There is no “one size fits all” blog layout
Everyone has different needs for how their content is displayed. For example, if you don’t post frequently, you may not want to display the date. If you have multiple authors, you may need to display the authors’ names. Perhaps you just want to add a sidebar with recent posts, categories or tags. Fret not, I’m about to walk you through how to do all of the above.
- First, login to your website and navigate to your blog or articles section on the frontend.
- Hover over (but don’t click) the InfiniBuilder button at the top of your website, then select the Blog/Articles option. It may be called something different, but it should say “ARCHIVE’ to the right. Note: if your InfiniSite doesn’t have additional options when you hover over the InfiniBuilder button, just shoot us an email or give us a call, and we’ll enable those options.
- Editing the blog/articles layout is just like editing a page. Click the wrench icon on the Posts module to make all kinds of changes.
- The Layout tab is where the bulk of the options are. Panels include:
- Layout
- Post
- Featured image
- Post info
- Post content
- You can make changes to colors and fonts in the Style tab.
- You can also filter what content is displayed and how it’s ordered using the Content tab
- If you have a lot of posts, the Pagination tab will allow you to choose how additional posts are loaded, and to control the number of posts that are displayed on each page.
- The Layout tab is where the bulk of the options are. Panels include:
- Just like editing a page, you can add other modules by dragging them onto your layout from the modules panel. If you’re looking for Category, Archive, Recent Posts or Tag Cloud modules, you’ll find them under WordPress Modules in the group dropdown.
- Once you’re happy with the layout, don’t forget to save and publish your changes.
Of course, if you decide you don’t want to make the changes yourself, just let us know what you’d like done and we’ll take care of it for you.
Posted in InfiniSites Tutorials
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